The COVID-19 pandemic emergency for the doctrine of asymmetric warfare


  • Mhd Halkis Lecturer of Asymmetric Warfare Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
  • David Yacobus Lecturer of Asymmetric Warfare Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University
  • Suhirwan Lecturer of Asymmetric Warfare Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesia Defense University


asymmetric warfare, ethics, COVID-19, emergency, military doctrine


Several countries that have involved the military in handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been relatively successful. The authors researched the doctrine of asymmetric warfare during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. The Indonesian government assigns the Indonesian National Army (TNI) during an emergency. Help to support the smooth circulation of fulfilling the population's basic needs, cross-regional population transportation, crime is not widespread, offices continue to run with restrictions on the number of people working, and the economy recovers quickly. This research framework uses moral philosophy. Deontological views and utilitarianism become the main assessment instruments to build the doctrine of asymmetric warfare. This research uses a case study approach. The study results show that the Indonesian people see the emergency condition of the COVID-19 pandemic as an asymmetrical warfare. The government is aware of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic occurring at various government levels in terms of spread, duration, and number. All resources are used to deal with COVID-19, including the military, because civil society does not have many facilities and capabilities of TNI personnel.


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How to Cite

Halkis, M., Yacobus, D., & Suhirwan, S. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic emergency for the doctrine of asymmetric warfare. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6), 7677–7695.



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