Development of products based on ke-kame-tu formula for PMT at posyandu as an effort to prevent stunting


  • I Komang Agusjaya Mataram Denpasar Health Polytechnic Nutrition Department, Indonesia
  • Ni Putu Agustini Denpasar Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Anak Agung Nanak Antarini Denpasar Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
  • Yuli Laraeni Mataram Health Polytechnic Nutrition Department


calcium, Ke-kame-tu formula, nugget, protein, zinc


The "ke-kame-tu" formula is a mixture of Moringa leaf flour, red bean flour and tuna fish meal, with high protein, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium content. The specific aim of the research is to analyze the proximate content, amino acids, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium of supplementary feeding nugget products, and determine the most preferred supplementary feeding products. The “ke-kame-tu” formula (15-60-25) and supplementary feeding products were made using a randomized block design. Taste data was obtained using organoleptic tests. Analysis of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium using spectrophotometric methods. To determine the best supplementary feeding product, a diversity analysis (Anova) of organoleptic test results was carried out. The ke-kame-tu formula (15-60-35) contains 4.39 mg/100g of calcium, 530 mg/100 g of phosphorus, 80 mg/100 g of magnesium, 1.65 mg/100 g of zinc, and protein as much as 16.81%. In general, nuggets made using a modified recipe by adding to-kame-tu formulas with different concentrations have different nutritional content, namely increasing calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein content. Based on organoleptic tests, it was found that nugget products with N3 treatment were the preferred product compared to other treatments. This supplementary feeding product uses the addition of 100 grams of the second formula. 


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How to Cite

Mataram, I. K. A., Agustini, N. P., Antarini, A. A. N., & Laraeni, Y. (2023). Development of products based on ke-kame-tu formula for PMT at posyandu as an effort to prevent stunting. International Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3), 119–127.



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