
Editorial Announcement

The Editors are thankful to the current and previous members of the Board for making IJSSH the leading journal it is. A special thank goes to María Rodríguez Gámez, the founding editor, for her continued contribution to the Journal.

We aim at positioning IJSSH as the leading and most general-interest journal among those specializing in Social Sciences and Humanities. We intend to do this by building on the Journal’s core areas, while also favoring innovative submissions in new areas of potential interest to a broad range of Social Sciences and Humanities.

We strive to respond in four months from receipt of the manuscript. We are committed to maintaining a fair and balanced view of different fields in Physical Sciences and Engineering with an emphasis on innovative work. The Journal welcomes submissions with significant empirical, quantitative, qualitative, and computational contributions, provided they are firmly grounded in theory.

We look forward to receiving your best work at the International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.

I Wayan Suryasa (Editor-in-Chief), Ted F.L. Jing, Abdul-Hakim Roslan, Seeni Mohamed Aliff, Krishantha Wisenthige, Cheng Guoping, Paras Jain Shiksharatan