Opposition of community citizenship against the policy of the village's leader




Community citizenship, Karangasem, Opposition, Perasi village, Village leader policy


The process of industrialization, reformation, and globalization has led to the changes in people's lives such as livelihoods, lifestyle, and also the character of the Balinese themselves. Livelihoods that initially agriculture shifted to the tourism industry, productive lifestyles became consumptive and the way people's lives changed from collectivism to individualism and materialism. Changes of Balinese characters from previous hospitality and courteous, today tend to be violent and conflicted. Traditional institutions such as Desa Adat are social-religious and proud because they are capable of functioning to protect their citizens. However, Adat Village, which is a respected institution today, is often the arena of conflict to fight for various interests, so that quiet and peaceful life is no longer the case. The process of change and the emergence of conflicts in the development of indigenous villages in Bali often occurs in the areas of Adat Perasi Village. In the field of livelihood, Perasi traditional villagers who originally lived from agriculture and fishermen, have now changed because of a shift in the livelihoods of life. Its citizens are no longer just depend on agriculture and fishing, but rather have been leading to services especially the tourism industry. This shift must have caused a change in the view of people's lives from the original emphasis on togetherness because the collectivity of citizens turn into commercialism (materialism) that leads to individuality.


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How to Cite

Mardika, I. N. (2017). Opposition of community citizenship against the policy of the village’s leader. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(3), 74–87. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijssh.v1n3.57



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