The contribution of levinas’ conception of responsibility to the ethical encounter counselor-counselee


  • Zummy Anselmus Dami Universitas Persatuan Guru 1945 NTT, Indonesia
  • Imanuela Pandu Politeknik Negeri Ambon, Indonesia
  • Elka Anakotta The Christian State Institute of Ambon, Indonesia
  • Agusthinus Sahureka STT Maluku, Indonesia


counselee, counselor, encounter, framework, responsibility


In fact, humans have always been closely related to others. This relationship can be meant to encounter ethical counselor-counselee which is based on an attitude of responsibility. The concept of the responsibility of Levinas can be put as a foundation for ethical counselor-counselee relation in order to contribute to and strengthen the concept of responsibility in literature-literature for guidance and counseling, and counseling practice also does not impress as conditioning. Based on a literature review and critical analysis, we found the following results: 1). The helping profession is to be interpreted in the framework of  thinking responsibility, and the responsibility of counselor-counselee should be able to be realized in concrete  actions and patterned being-for so that it becomes I-for-You (asymmetrical),  should not be reversed into a being-with so that it becomes You-to-I (reciprocity/mutuality); 2). Responsibility in the context of multicultural counseling is seen in phenomenological by pointing at reality in awareness counselor (intentionality), and 3). Empathy  as a major component of  the counselor in the basic attitude of its  existence takes responsibility for substitution (one-in-the-place-of-another). The responsibility of substitution is the unique and total responsibility of the counselor-counselee.


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How to Cite

Dami, Z. A., Pandu, I., Anakotta, E., & Sahureka, A. (2019). The contribution of levinas’ conception of responsibility to the ethical encounter counselor-counselee. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 71–83.



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