Regulatory framework for renewable energy sources in Ecuador case study province of Manabi


  • Marcos Lenin Davila Cedeno Teacher of the career of Electrical Engineering Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Maria Gabriela Davila Arteaga Graduated from a Lawyer at the Catholic University of Guayaquil , Ecuador
  • Antonio Vazquez Perez MsC. Lawyer energy regulatory framework, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Marcos Lenin Davila Arteaga Telecommunications Engineer, Universidad De Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Guayaquil, Ecuador


Energy policies, Measures support renewable energies, Production, Regulatory framework, Social relations


The purpose of the research is to expose the nature that, in matters of law and social policy, justifies promoting the elaboration and adoption of a regulatory framework that favors the use of renewable energy sources, for the generation of electricity through case analysis in the Province of Manabí. For the accomplishment of the research study has taken into account a brief theoretical analysis on the fundamentals of the regulatory doctrine, where it exposes the conceptual framework of the law and its necessity for the good development of the social relations that derive from the use of the Renewable sources of energy. A study was carried out of the specific regulatory work carried out at the international level, in order to promote the adequate use of renewable energies, as well as a national study presenting an initial vision for the study and establishment of a specific regulatory framework for the case study of the province of Manabí, as well as a group of policies and support measures that could be adopted to promote the integrated use of renewable energy sources and their contribution to the national energy matrix.


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How to Cite

Cedeno, M. L. . D., Arteaga, M. G. D., Perez, A. V., & Arteaga, M. L. . D. (2017). Regulatory framework for renewable energy sources in Ecuador case study province of Manabi. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 29–42.



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