Government policy implementation of tana toraja about abattoir retribution in tana toraja district


  • Rusdin Nawi Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Pancasakti Makassar University, Indonesia
  • Muh. Natsir Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Islam Makassar University, Indonesia
  • Zulkarnain Umar Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Islam Makassar University, Indonesia


abbatoir, government policy, implementation, retribution policy, Tana Toraja


The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of Tana Toraja abattoir/Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) policy based on aspects of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. According to the research's findings, implementing the RPH retribution policy has successfully communicated, specifically transmission or channeling, transparency, and continuity. Officers and the general public are effectively informed of RPH regulations. However, low public awareness of paying retribution and the officers' indecisive attitude is not optimal. The implementation of the abattoir (RPH) levy policy in Tana Toraja Indonesia district in Rembon District is based on four research focuses, namely communication (transmission, clarity, and consistency), resources (staff, information, facilities, and authority), disposition (appointment of officers, the attitude of officers and incentives) and the bureaucratic structure has not been running optimally.


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How to Cite

Nawi, R., Natsir, M., & Umar, Z. (2021). Government policy implementation of tana toraja about abattoir retribution in tana toraja district. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(2), 66–75.



Research Articles