Characteristics of breeders and maintenance management in improving the productivity of Balinese pigs as Bali germplasm in Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency
Bali pig, breeder characteristics, breeding management, improving productivity, maintenance managementAbstract
The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics, behavior of breeders and rearing management as well as analyze and find the relationship between characteristics and behavior with the level of application Bali pig farm maintenance management. This research was conducted in Gerokgak District, Buleleng Regency in June-August 2022. Purposive sampling (with certain considerations). Sampling as respondents were 100 Balinese pig breeders with the criteria of maintaining one to two broods and at least having kept them for one year. Sampling using the "Snowball Sampling" method. The analysis used is quantitative descriptive analysis and Spearman rank level correlation test. The level of implementation of Balinese pig rearing management is in the good category. Descriptive research results Management, production management with an average weaning age of 67.65 ±5.4 days, reproductive management in good category. The results of the correlation test for the Spearman rank level.
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