Psychological impact of COVID-19 on the sports population from Santiago


  • Milan Ochoa Chang Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Briseida Yusín Rivera Labaut Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Geidy Rodríguez March Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Eloy Rafael Oliveros Serrano Centro Provincial de Medicina Deportiva, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


COVID-19, economic and social order, population, psychological impact, sport


COVID-19 has caused great effects on the economic and social order of all the countries involved, it is recognized the great psychological impact that this terrible pandemic has brought with it in the general population. Athletes are not exempt from these effects, so the research was determined to evaluate such impacts on athletes from Santiago to implement psychological intervention actions that would minimize such consequences. The study was carried out in 926 athletes belonging to all sports categories and age groups, using three questionnaires and the thematic drawing technique. The surveyed athletes did not show great psychological effects; however, the most recurrent manifestations were tension, sadness, constant worry, fear and sleep disturbances. Action research was carried out in which immediate solutions were offered to the problems and demands diagnosed.


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How to Cite

Chang, M. O., Labaut, B. Y. R., March, G. R., & Serrano, E. R. O. (2021). Psychological impact of COVID-19 on the sports population from Santiago. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(3), 140–147.



Research Articles