Environmental impact of energy production with generators



  • Yoan Pablo Rodríguez Monier Unidad Educativa Capitan Geovanni Calles, El Coca, Orellana, Ecuador
  • Rodolfo Vila Feijoo Escuela de Educación Basica Gustavo Lara, El Coca, Orellana, Ecuador
  • Kenichi Gasbar Garcia Alvarez Unidad Educativa Capitan Geovanni Calles, El Coca, Orellana, Ecuador
  • Majela Prieto Betancourt Unidad Educativa Francisco de Orellana, El Coca, Orellana, Ecuador


diesel pollution, energy, environment, noise, pollution


The generation of energy with fossil fuels, is one of the actions that currently affects the environment on the planet, The pollution that occurs in the generation processes causes traces that take many years to disappear, currently only the appropriate environmental management systems can control these effects by taking measures that can be educational, training and dissemination activities only a Global effort will help mitigate the negative effects caused in power generation. Energy is necessary for the continuity of development, which means that. At present, environmental pollution seems to have become an inevitable element and something that every modern society must pay if it does not want to give up its comforts, therefore in the process of introducing new technologies in energy generation must take measures that mitigate these negative impacts, valuing their magnitude and ways to proper gestate.


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How to Cite

Monier, Y. P. R., Feijoo, R. V., Alvarez, K. G. G., & Betancourt, M. P. (2019). Environmental impact of energy production with generators. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(3), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijls.v3n3.364



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