Environmental impact of photovoltaic solar technology



  • Telly Yarita Macías Zambrano Instituto Superior Tecnológico Paulo Emilio Macías, Portoviejo, Manabí
  • Yoan Pablo Rodríguez Monier Unidad Educativa, Capitán Giovanni Calles, Orellana, Ecuador
  • Jean Telmo Mendoza Mera Unidad educativa Pablo Zamora Salgado. Flavio Alfaro, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Carmen Magdalena Mero Alcivar Unidad educativa Jama, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Anita dolores zambrano valencia Unidad educativa Eloy Alfaro Bahía de Caráquez, Sucre, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Douglas José Giler Loor Unidad Educativa Areliza Leonor Vera Góngora, Tosagua, Manabí, Ecuador


ambiente, desarrollo local, desarrollo sostenible, energía solar, sostenibilidad


The work presents an analysis linked to one of the environmentally sustainable energy alternatives that are currently being adopted with success Worldwide. Putting the field research method into practice, the results of a study related to an application of technological innovation are shown to reduce the amount of the electricity bill of a local teacher, through the introduction of photovoltaic technology connected to the low grid. Institution tension. The results of the load study and hourly energy consumption of said entity are shown and its own methodology is deployed for the technological design of a photovoltaic plant connected to the grid, which can avoid the energy consumption of the conventional grid, reducing the amount of the institution's electricity bill, at the same time that it is possible to reduce losses, improve the quality of electricity service and reduce COemissions2 into the atmosphere. The environmental and social impacts associated with the penetration of photovoltaic technology are exposed.


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How to Cite

Zambrano, T. Y. M., Monier, Y. P. R., Mera, J. T. M., Alcivar, C. M. M., valencia, A. dolores zambrano, & Loor, D. J. G. (2021). Environmental impact of photovoltaic solar technology. International Journal of Life Sciences, 5(1), 14–25. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijls.v5n1.1137



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