Recovery of ancestral knowledge for production of traditional Manabí cocoa paste


  • Telly Yarita Macias Zambrano Master in Agricultural Engineering, Professor at the Higher Technological Institute Paulo Emilio Macias, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Ingri Catherine Garcia Castro Student of the fourth semester of the career of Superior Technology in Agriculture at the Higher Technological Institute Paulo Emilio Macias, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Carmen Liliana Mera Plaza Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing, Higher Technological Institute Paulo Emilio Macias, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Ricardo Munoz Farfan Mechanical Engineer, Higher Technological Institute Paulo Emilio Macias, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador


ancestral, benefits, chocolate, conservation, elaboration


The high family consumption of chocolates and cocoa powders with a high content of sugars and saturated fats, and on the contrary a very low content of cocoa paste is a problem. The objective was to recover the ancestral knowledge in the elaboration and conservation of the traditional Manabi cocoa paste. The experimental method was used for the elaboration and conservation of cocoa paste in clay pots with dried guineo leaves, in glass jars, at room temperature, and in refrigeration. Through the technique of interviewing 10 peasant women from the rural area of Chone, the way of elaboration and conservation of the cocoa ball was known. The main results: increase of the useful life of the cocoa ball wrapped in dried guinean leaves and stored in clay pots at room temperature, due to the decrease in humidity up to 180 days. As conclusions: little use of ancestral knowledge in the elaboration and conservation of traditional Manabí cocoa paste, unlike the consumption of refined chocolates with low cocoa content.


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How to Cite

Zambrano, T. Y. M., Castro, I. C. G., Plaza, C. L. M., & Farfan, R. M. (2019). Recovery of ancestral knowledge for production of traditional Manabí cocoa paste. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(1), 71–78.



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