Implementation of communication ethics in building social harmony



Communication, Dharma santhi, Ethics, Harmony, Wacika parisudha


This research is intended to study the implementation of communication ethics in building social harmony at Banjar (Balinese community) Dharma Santhi, Labuapi Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency. This research is designed in the form of descriptive qualitative research by using case study model on social phenomenon of religion in that location. With regard to it in order to realize a harmonious religious social life one of the supporting factors is the ethics that needs to be applied in communicating, both interpersonal communication and group communication in activities related to the implementation of Hinduism. The implementation of communication ethics used as the basis of religious social life in Banjar Dharma Santhi relates to the application of the teaching of tri kaya parisudha (three things to be sanctified), especially the aspect of wacika parisudha (talking good and true). Application of communication ethics based on the teachings of Hinduism can realize a good communication, especially related to the implementation of religious life conducted by the people who are in Banjar Dharma Santhi. Communication in accordance with the teachings of wicika parisudha implemented by Hindus in the location can realize social relationships with fellow Hindus in religious ritual activities. The application of wacika parisudha teachings can also be a basis for communicating with the general public to realize harmony in religious social life.


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How to Cite

Aryani, N. L. (2018). Implementation of communication ethics in building social harmony. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 147–156.



Research Articles