Relevance of mastery of information systems skills and success of business management in the digital age: a systematic review


  • Mislan Sihite Universitas Methodist Indonesia
  • Sardjana Orba Manullang Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
  • Budi Sulistiyo Nugroho Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas (PEM Akamigas), Indonesia


business management, digital age, systematic review, technology mastery


The search for the relevance of mastery of skills and mastery of information systems on the success and strength of business management in the digital era is the main objective of our systematic review. We make evidence of the study findings from dozens of international publications that have discussed various themes of ways and approaches to advance or manage the business with the assistance of technology which has become the hallmark of a tool in all business sectors. We conducted an electronic search on all supporting data from Google Scholar from the 2010 to 2021 issue. After obtaining the data, we then analyzed it by involving the coding system, extract data, evaluating, in-depth interpretation, and concluding response to this question with valid findings and high reliability. By considering the existing evidence, we can report the results; there is a significant correlation between technology skills and successful business management. In short, the ability to use the Internet plays a vital role in a business because managers can search and meet a customer for any purpose through search engines. Similarly, the consumers will instantly be able to get what they need using the same tools of technology-savvy.


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How to Cite

Sihite, M., Manullang, S. O., & Nugroho, B. S. (2021). Relevance of mastery of information systems skills and success of business management in the digital age: a systematic review. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 68–78.



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