Socioeconomic situation of MSMEs in the province of Carchi, period 2020


  • Jeaneth Lucía Bastidas-Guerrón Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, El Carchi, Ecuador
  • Argenis Lisander Heredia-Campaign Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, El Carchi, Ecuador
  • Gisselle Mariuxi Cárdenas-Fierro Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, El Carchi, Ecuador
  • Evelyn Marlene Curiel-López Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, El Carchi, Ecuador


COVID-19, MSMEs, pandemic, situation, socioeconomic


The global Covid-19 pandemic brought with it various difficulties for established MSMEs and new MSMEs. The purpose of this research is to diagnose the socio-economic situation of MSMEs in the province of Carchi in the period 2020, using a quantitative approach with a simple descriptive type of research, the collection of information was carried out by submitting a sample of 363 mipymes of the province of Carchi, being stratified in the six belonging cantons, once the information was analyzed, it was determined that the main problems are: reductions in income to cover the expenses incurred, which produced an increase in the rate of unemployment and labor informality, 41.5% have had a beneficial impact with the closure of the border, increasing income from sales made, while 45.9% have had a detrimental impact with the closure of the border between Colombia and Ecuador. 41.6% of MSMEs consider the injection of capital through loans as their main activity. 37.3% of MSMEs face the financial pressure of paying requested loans. 43.3% of MSMEs have developed the ability to improve communication, as a strategy to increase sales.


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How to Cite

Bastidas-Guerrón, J. L., Heredia-Campaign, A. L., Cárdenas-Fierro, G. M., & Curiel-López, E. M. (2022). Socioeconomic situation of MSMEs in the province of Carchi, period 2020. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(2), 175–189.



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