Leading commodities of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Baubau City




business type, commodity, economic growth, employment, leading


This research was carried out in Baubau City in 2020. The problems of developing MSMEs in Baubau City are the low productivity and competitiveness of MSMEs due to not optimal utilization of MSME resource potential, not yet integrated upstream and downstream production systems, policy implementation, low access to MSME capital support from banks and financial institutions. The results of the analysis of CPI (Comparative Performance Index) Commodities, Products and Types of Business of leading MSMEs in each economic sector of Baubau City: (a) Food Crops: lowland rice and upland rice, (b) Plantations: mango and cashew (c) Livestock: free-range chicken and cattle (d) Fisheries: skipjack/cob, seaweed, and mabe, (e) Industry: weaving traditional sarongs and traditional Butonese clothing, furniture, woven rattan, pottery, and shipbuilding (f) Trade: marine fisheries, seaweed, weaving traditional Buton sarongs (g) Tourism: Kamali beach, nirvana beach, Samparona waterfall baths, and Kotamara (h) Transportation: domestic and inter-island ships, and air transportation (i) Services: hospitality, education, and restaurants. The results of the analysis show that the leading sectors for developing MSMEs in Baubau City are the fisheries sector, the industrial sector, the tourism sector, and the trade sector.


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How to Cite

Boni, Y. (2021). Leading commodities of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Baubau City. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 119–130. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijssh.v5n2.1262



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