Bali mini empire: Dynamics of Gelgel Kingdom as maritime kingdom in 16th – 17th century



Bali, culture, empire, Gelgel kingdom, maritime kingdom


The meaning of the title above is that the Gelgel kingdom was fairly large in the archipelago (Imporium) as the successor to the Hindu-Majapahit kingdom. Gelgel controls four large islands, namely East Java (Blambangan), Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. The Gelgel Kingdom also lasted quite a long time for four centuries (14-17th century), longer than its predecessor - Majapahit which lasted for 2 centuries (14-15th century). Majapahit's real power was East Java, Bali and Madura, while the regions mentioned in the Kertagama State cannot yet be ascertained. In several of his writings, historian Sartono Kartodirdjo no longer uses the terminology of the modern ancient era or the colonial era. This Indonesian historian focuses more on the dynamics of society in accepting the presence of foreign powers in Indonesia. Likewise, various interactions occur in relationships such as politics, culture, trade or military power (Sartono Kartodirdjo, 2020). It is in the context of interactions and relationships that topics such as the title above are written. In this case, the dynamics of the Gelgel kingdom between 1300 and 1686 were able to develop shipping networks, political trade and other relations for more than three and a half centuries. 


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How to Cite

Suwitha, I. P. G. (2024). Bali mini empire: Dynamics of Gelgel Kingdom as maritime kingdom in 16th – 17th century. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 11–21.



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