Bureaucracy culture change of administrative services on COVID-19 pandemic era




administrative services, camat leadership, COVID-19 era, work motivation


This study aims to analyze changes in the government bureaucracy in providing administrative services in the COVID-19 era. To analyze the problem, we used a qualitative descriptive method. Observation, documentation, and interviews are the main methods of data collection. The results showed that at the beginning of service during the COVID-19 period, employees were still very slow in responding to buy generic soma community services, but over time the Camat of the Teluk Ambon District Office always provided work motivation and improved services. Aspects of Responsibility were found at the time of the study that the Teluk Ambon District office employees had a high responsibility in completing and providing services to the community. Disciplinary aspects, from the study results, public awareness in maintaining the discipline of health protocols are still very minimal; This is indicated by employees always giving warnings to buy soma online overnight keep their distance when providing services. In this case, leadership is a determining factor in running the wheels of government organization well and quickly. The Camat as the leader of Ambon Bay always provides advice and work motivation to State Civil Apparatus Employees or non-permanent employees to provide services to the community even in the COVID-19 condition.


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How to Cite

Al-Hamid, R. (2021). Bureaucracy culture change of administrative services on COVID-19 pandemic era. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(3), 192–202. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijssh.v5n3.1720



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