Self-disclosure effect on cultural context of Papuan teenagers


  • Maryam B. Gainau Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Negeri (STAKN) Papua, Indonesia


culture, Papuan, quantitative, self-disclosure, teenagers


Self-disclosure is revealed through various phenomena such as information on behavior, attitudes, feelings, desires, motivations, and ideas. Related to the statement, this study aims to analyze the relationship between self-disclosure to the culture of Papuan teenagers. The sample of the current study was teenager students of Middle School in Sentani, Papua- Indonesia. In the study, a random technique was applied in order to gain 183 students as the total sample. They were 20% of the 919 teenager students. The quantitative approach was applied to examine the instruments of validity and reliability, factor analysis, t-test, and correlation coefficient. The results have shown that from 78 statement items of self-disclosure, 64 statement items were declared valid while 14 others were not valid. For 85 items about culture, there were 68 valid statement items while 17 were invalid. The self-disclosure analysis of reliability was 0.823 while the culture analysis was 0.810. Furthermore, factor analysis has shown that from 64 items of self-disclosure statements, 60 items were stated to be fulfilled while 4 other items were not fulfilled. The results of the correlation coefficient were obtained at 86.5%. It is concluded that self-disclosure has a strong and significant effect on the culture of Papuan teenagers.


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How to Cite

Gainau, M. B. (2019). Self-disclosure effect on cultural context of Papuan teenagers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 62–70.



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