Problematic and alternative solutions of different wangsa marriage at Balinese community in Lombok



alternative solutions, marriage, problematic, stratification, wangsa


This study aims to conduct a study of different wangsa marriage at Balinese in Lombok. This phenomenon is related to the basis of the determination of the social stratification of Hindus in Lombok and finds a solution to the problem raised. This research was designed in interpretive descriptive research using an empirical juridical study model. Data source of this study consisted of two, namely primary and secondary. The results of the study found (1) the basis for determining the social stratification of Balinese Hindus in Lombok, namely, the interpretation of erroneous religious norms, namely from catur varna become catur wangsa. Catur varna uses the basis of guna (talent) and karma (tendency) in determining social stratification. Catur wangsa using birth is the basis for determining social stratification. In this regard, the patrilineal cultural traditions of Balinese Hindu community in Lombok calculate the kinship relationship of a child following his father's lineage. (2) with regard to changes in the determination of the social stratification system, women are psychologically pressured because of injustice to treatment. (3) the alternative is that if the marriage between the tri wangsa woman and the man outside tri wangsa is the marriage process of the ngerorod model or elopement.


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How to Cite

Aditi, I. G. A. (2019). Problematic and alternative solutions of different wangsa marriage at Balinese community in Lombok. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 84–94.



Research Articles