Dynamics of inter-cultural communication at multicultural societies in transmigrant territory
communication dynamics, intercultural communication, conflict, reconciliation, multicultural societyAbstract
This study aims to examine the dynamics of intercultural communication in multicultural societies in transmigrant territory, namely East Tomoni Sub-district, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The design of this study was descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the study, it was found that intercultural communication experienced a tendency to cause changes in social relations which led to conflict and violence. Two relatively large ethnic communities in the location, namely communities of Toraja ethnic and Bali ethnic as migrants through the transmigration program at the beginning of the meeting showed relatively good communication, despite having different cultural backgrounds. The influx of external influences leads to social changes that pose a change in inter-cultural communication systems and social relations between ethnic communities that trigger conflicts and communal violence. In order to reconcile interethnic cracks, reconciliation was carried out through the revitalization of intercultural communication by involving strategies for the reconstruction of interethnic social relations, the construction of economic relations, the optimization of inter-village cooperation relations, building multicultural awareness, and construction of interpersonal communication as a medium for cross-ethnic cultural studies.
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