Pedagogical-hermeneutic approach to the interpretation of the competence phenomenon in modern research
actualization, approach, classification, competency, structural componentAbstract
The spread of a competency-based approach in modern education, its active implementation in the educational process, made the phenomenon of competency a key one when creating regulatory documents for educational institutions at all levels. As a result, competencies became the subject of research in various sciences. About five hundred dissertations on the phenomenon of skill were published in Russia. The emergence of new areas of training and specialties necessitated the justification of new competencies and, thus, contributed to the emergence of new scientific research. The trend created the conditions for summing up and systematizing some results. The research work examines the phenomenon of competency on the scale of different branches of scientific knowledge. The authors of the current research interpret the phenomenon in the context of pedagogical hermeneutics and such aspects as the target audience, the form of competency, its content, and actualization. The scholars tried to describe the quality of the educational process for the formation and development of competencies, and they gave an attempt to propose some approaches classifying the diversity of competency types.
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