Pedagogical activity formation in Russian students training


  • Natal’ya Volkova Altai State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshin, Biysk, Russia
  • Zoya Fedorinova National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia


collaborative work, educational event, humanitarian approach, humanitarian school, pedagogical activity


The article reviewed some aspects of research on pedagogical activity formation in Russian students' training. For this purpose, the Humanitarian School within the Philological Department of Biysk Pedagogical State University named after V. M. Shukshin, was organized. The identified educational effects showed the event potential of the Humanitarian School. Based on the empirical analysis, the definition of “educational event” was formed. Specific aspects of the pedagogical activity, on which educational event had to influence, were identified as subjectness, sense-value attitudes, the meaning of pedagogical activity, personal action, and self-reflection over pedagogical activity. Conditions for pedagogical activity formation in student training were specified: involvement in planning, initiation by the teacher of their actions, selection of participation position inactivity, and self-reflection over their pedagogical activity. The article proved the assumption that educational events improve the quality of student training for pedagogical activity.


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How to Cite

Volkova, N., & Fedorinova, Z. (2020). Pedagogical activity formation in Russian students training. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 77–84.