Surya Namaskara benefits for physical health



Endocrine system, Lower middle economy, Pasraman, Physical health, Surya namaskara


Roga (disease) was an ancient problem that exists and so far remains incomplete tackling. Advances in science and technology included the modern medical systems with the various sophistication of the tools were also overwhelmed. The effects of the modern synthetic drugs might leave the chemical impact problems. Considering that, the society become worried about the impact. In addition, the price of the modern medicine was also quite high, difficult to reach by the society who had the ability to the lower middle economy. Based on these considerations, the Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham, Bitra, Gianyar Regency and UKM Yoga Marga Rahayu, University of Hindu Indonesia observes the traditional health care and treatment system as an alternative way. The system of the treatment and coaching was patient, diligently, and sincere doing the series of Surya Namaskara movement. There were two terms discussed in the present study, i.e. (1) how was the series of Surya Namaskara movement exhibited by Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham devotees, Bitra Village, Gianyar Regency and the students of UKM Yoga Marga Rahayu, University of Hindu Indonesia; (2) What were the benefits perceived by Pasraman Sri Jagat Amertham, Bitra, Gianyar Regency and UKM Yoga Marga Rahayu, University of Hindu Indonesia on physical health? The methods that were used to discuss the problems included observations and interviews for collecting the data, whereas, the descriptions and interpretations were used in describing, explaining, and analyzing data. Through the ways mentioned above, Surya Namaskara movement consists of the twelve dynamic movements. However, before doing Surya Namaskara movement begins with praying, that was Gayatri Mantran song three times and pranawa Om as many as five times then do a new stretching (pavanamuktasana). Steady, patient, diligent and sincere performing were series of Surya Namaskara movements could balance the internal organs (human) system primarily related to the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, urinary or urinal system, skin system, nervous system, and endocrine system. The endocrine glands included the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal and gonads. With the balance of the internal organs, the healthy physically would be better and the mind would be calm and peaceful.


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How to Cite

Wirawan, I. G. B. (2018). Surya Namaskara benefits for physical health. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 43–55.



Research Articles