The meaning and function of woven sarong on muna community



Masalili village, Muna community, Muna woven sarong, Munanessee, Society stratification


This study aims at finding out the process of making of Muna woven sarong, the function of Muna woven sarong in the daily life, and motif and meaning of Muna woven sarong at Masalili Village, Kontunaga District of Muna Regency. The study was conducted at Masalili Village, Kontunaga District of Muna Regency, using a qualitative method. The data collected through observation and deep interview to investigate the meaning and function of woven sarong. The result the study shows that the way of making of Muna woven sarong (bheta wuna), on Muna community at Masalili Village still keep and use traditional way, but also develop the advanced way for both motif and technique. It is done by two steps, namely arrange the thread (desoro), and weaving process (way of making) of woven sarong. It is done by women, for either children, adult, or older women. The function, meaning, and motif of Muna woven sarong are still implemented. It can be seen from the social stratification, in which the woven sarong used is different that depends on the stratification. Each motif has symbolic meaning that expressed in the daily life of Munanessee at Masalili Village, Kontunaga District of Muna Regency.


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How to Cite

Syamsumarlin, .-. (2018). The meaning and function of woven sarong on muna community. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 56–64.



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