Maintaining social relationship of Balinese and Sasak ethnic community



Ethnic balinese, Informal cultural ties, Quotidian, Sasak ethnic, Social harmony


This research aims to study the background of building informal cultural ties as a medium of reharmonization between Balinese ethnic community and Sasak ethnic community in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This study used qualitative interpretive design in order to find answers issues, namely background of establishing a cohesion bond between two ethnic communities. Based on the result of this research, it is found that there are four influential factors, namely cultural contact between Balinese ethnic and Sasak ethnic communities during the historic period, the implementation of Balinese culture and Sasak culture in Lombok, cultural adaptation of each cultural identity, and construction of informal cultural ties as medium of interethnic communication. The informal cultural ties have an important significance in maintaining the integration between Balinese ethnic community and the Sasak ethnic community in Mataram city. Based on this phenomenon, the recommendation that can be proposed is to maintain the sustainability of informal cultural ties through the cultivation of awareness in each ethnic community and involvement of traditional figures in providing intensive guidance on the importance of preserving the cultural values of ancestral heritage in maintaining social harmony.


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How to Cite

Wirawan, I. W. A. (2018). Maintaining social relationship of Balinese and Sasak ethnic community. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 92–104.



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