Pedagogical management strategies for research training in the Ecuadorian high school


  • Ana Karen Gualacata-Cevallos Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Piura, Perú
  • Angelica María Sánchez-Bonilla Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Piura, Perú
  • Ibsen Daniel Maldonado-Ríos Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Piura, Perú, Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • María Margoth Jimenez-Bonilla Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Piura, Perú, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Wilson Stalin Patín-Guamán Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Piura, Perú, Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Guayaquil, Ecuador


education, evaluation, management, planning, research, training


The present objective was to analyze the strategies of research pedagogical management for research training in the Ecuadorian high school, with the of fifty teachers who develop activities at the Baccalaureate level, with the application of the correlation method of descriptive quantitative analysis, the survey was used to apply to the sample subjects for the analysis of the perception of the variables of this study. The results in the descriptive analysis showed that more than 90% of teachers develop the two variables at the middle levels, not reaching excellence due to various factors that affect their skills. During the inferential analysis, the Pearson test has been used, where it was possible to determine at the level of the general variables that the correlation has had a value of 0.47 and a significance of 0.001, reaching the conclusion that between one and the other variable there is a positive relationship, of medium intensity and that teachers must strengthen their skills regarding pedagogical management, as well as training linked to research.


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How to Cite

Gualacata-Cevallos, A. K., Sánchez-Bonilla, A. M., Maldonado-Ríos, I. D., Jimenez-Bonilla, M. M., & Patín-Guamán, W. S. (2022). Pedagogical management strategies for research training in the Ecuadorian high school. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1416–1426.



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