Quality assurance in the polytechnic of health, ministry of health

An evaluative study in the polytechnic of health the ministry of health, Bengkulu



  • Darwis Lecturer of Health Polytechnic of Bengkulu Ministry of Health Bengkulu 38225 Indonesia
  • Ade Sissca Vellia Lecturer of Health Polytechnic of Bengkulu Ministry of Health Bengkulu 38225 Indonesia
  • Dino Sumaryono Lecturer of Health Polytechnic of Bengkulu Ministry of Health Bengkulu 38225 Indonesia
  • Sudarwan Danim Lecturer of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bengkulu University
  • Safnil Lecturer of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bengkulu University
  • Muhammad Kristiawan Lecturer of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bengkulu University


quality assurance, evaluative study, polytechnic of health


This research aims to see the strengths and weaknesses, differences and similarities of SPME standards, and build a hypothetical integration of quality assurance systems. This research type is evaluative research with a qualitative approach. The instrument is an interview guide, observation guide, and documentation. The data analysis used is a SWOT analysis, Mind Mapping, and CIPP. The results are the weaknesses are seen from multiple assignments, different assessment indicators, teamwork, implementation of the MOU has not been optimal, and the assessment period and data are not yet integrated. The threats are inconsistent regulations, different standards, and global competition. This is the first study that evaluated five accreditation quality assurance systems, ISO 9001: 2015, PDDikti, SAKIP, and ZI. The formulation of a hypothetical model provides SPMI data for the requirement of the SPME. The recommendation from this study is to coordinate the quality assurance center to synchronize the data and integrate data audit instruments in a quality assurance application.


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How to Cite

Darwis, D., Vellia, A. S., Sumaryono, D., Danim, S., Safnil, S., & Kristiawan, M. (2022). Quality assurance in the polytechnic of health, ministry of health: An evaluative study in the polytechnic of health the ministry of health, Bengkulu. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S10), 183–198. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS10.13366



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