Strategy for the success of the COVID-19 vaccine program in North Kayong Regency of Indonesia


  • Sri Haryaningsih niversitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Elyta niversitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia


advocacy, coordination, implementation, strategy, vaccine


Indonesian minister of health in 2021 regarding the implementation of vaccination in Indonesia, this is the basis for implementing the Covid-19 vaccination policy in all regions of Indonesia, this is done to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This research was conducted with the aim to determine the influence of communication, resources and the government in carrying out vaccination in North Kayong Regency and how the strategy is to achieve the Covid-19 vaccination target. The results showed a partial effect of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure on implementing vaccination policies in the North Kayong Regency. As for The alternative strategy implemented in the Covid-19 Vaccine Program in North Kayong Regency is an advocacy strategy. Advocacy is intended as a strategic and integrated action carried out, both by individuals and community groups by including problems with the policy agenda and controlling decision-makers to seek solutions while building the base of support for the enforcement of public policies made to address the issues related to the Covid-19 Vaccine Program in North Kayong Regency. The strategy is carried out in 2 stages: the target audience's analysis stage and the Action stage.


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How to Cite

Haryaningsih, S., & Elyta, E. (2022). Strategy for the success of the COVID-19 vaccine program in North Kayong Regency of Indonesia. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 481–496.



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