The relationship between psychological birth order, social anxiety and childhood trauma


  • Kahraman Güler Assist. Prof., Istanbul Aydin University, Psychology Department, Istanbul/Turkey
  • Pelin Hazer Clinical Psychologist, Istanbul Aydın University, The Institute of Postgraduate Education, Doctoral Program, Istanbul/Turkey


psychological birth order, social anxiety, childhood traumas, neglect, abuse


The research was carried out to examine the relationship between psychological birth order, social anxiety and childhood traumas of adult participants. Childhood Trauma Scale, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, White-Campbell Psychological Birth Order Inventory and demographic information form prepared by the researchers were applied to a total of 456 participants, 270 women and 186 men, aged 18-45 years. The sub-dimensions of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale are fear/anxiety and avoidance.The sub-dimensions of the Childhood Trauma Scale are emotional abuse, physical abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect and sexual abuse. According to the findings; It was determined that there was a moderate positive and significant relationship between childhood traumas and psychological birth order in middle children.It was determined that there was a moderate and negative relationship between sexual abuse and the Persuasive and Charmer youngest children of male gender. Based on the Social Anxiety Scale, it was determined that the middle children of female gender who were physically neglected and abused avoid social anxiety. It was concluded that the middle and the only children of male gender who were physically and emotionally neglected had social anxiety.


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How to Cite

Güler, K., & Hazer, P. (2022). The relationship between psychological birth order, social anxiety and childhood trauma. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S2), 2224–2240.



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