Perception and employee satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic with special reference to select academic institutions in higher education in India


  • Sreya. B Research Scholar, Dept. Of Commerce, School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies, SRM University - AP, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • A. Lakshmana Rao Asst. Professor, Dept. Of Commerce, School of Entrepreneurship and Management Studies, SRM University - AP, Andhra Pradesh, India


Digital learning, e-learning, working environment, work-life balance, Teacher training, Perception


This paper aims to analyze their perception of the new trend in the field of education. With the trend in education that moved from classroom teaching to digital platforms, are these personnel aware of its usage or are they finding it difficult to handle? Most elderly personnel are not much aware of this pedagogy, therefore this study also aims to concentrate on the perception and awareness of such teachers during the post-pandemic situation. The study is conducted on a random sampling method by using simple statistical tools for analysis. A total of 520 samples were collected, out of which only 450 samples were selected for analysis. The researcher evaluates the relationship between perception and the awareness of teachers on using an online platform. To study this relation the researcher considered certain variables such as job satisfaction level, work convenience, work easiness, accessibility, technology, performance, time savings, and effectiveness. It is found that the impact of the digital platform is directly related to the satisfaction level of teachers and the study also highlights the fact that the satisfaction level on a digital platform is related to the age category of the respondents.


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How to Cite

Sreya, B., & Rao, A. L. (2022). Perception and employee satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic with special reference to select academic institutions in higher education in India. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S1), 9854–9864.



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