Isolation and identification of streptococcus agalactiae colonization in pregnancy woman and resistance to tetracycline in Al_Muthanna proviance


  • Hawraa Hashim Mohammed College of Science, Al-Muthanna University, Al-Muthanna, Iraq
  • Maytham Abas Makki College of Science, Al-Muthanna University, Al-Muthanna, Iraq


GBS colonization, Streptococcus aglactiae, Tetracycline, pregnant women, chromogeninic selective group B


S.agalactiae is a Gram-positive, spherical bacteria that causes postpartum sepsis, endometritis, chorioamnionitis, and premature birth in pregnant women.Streptococcus agalactiae, often known as group B streptococci (GBS), is a dangerous disease that can infect both humans and animals (GBS) is an important bacterial pathogen that causes a wide range of infections including eonatal sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia and soft tissue or urinary tract infections.The present study demonstrated that S. agalactiae isolates obtained from vaginal  samples showed a high rate of resistance to tetracycline. Objectives: The study aimed to investigate streptococcus aqalctaein pregnancy woman  by isolating and diagnosing them from rectovaginal colonization .Result  We were collected 206 swab from pregnant female this collected was during gestation period (35-37)week and were collected from different age that including (≤25 ) years,and (≥25years .this sample collected from different hospital included (AL_Rumaitha Hospital, womans and childrens hospital ).the collected swab had transfer swabs by Amis transported medium and give to lab. After that diagnosis by microscobic and biochemical test. S. agalactiae was spread through pregnant female and infection the infant.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, H. H., & Makki, M. A. (2022). Isolation and identification of streptococcus agalactiae colonization in pregnancy woman and resistance to tetracycline in Al_Muthanna proviance. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S5), 5618–5624.



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