Development strategy of Bali cattle business towards sustainable rural economy
Bali cattle business, cattle farmers, development strategy, rural economy, sustainableAbstract
Rural livestock business with its own characteristics require appropriate and adaptive strategies towards sustainable rural economy. This study aims to analyze the development strategy of Bali cattle farming towards sustainable rural economy in Rendang District from internal and external factors. The research was conducted in Rendang District, Karangasem Regency from September to December 2020 using a survey method. The research location was determined by purposive sampling method, used 85 respondents consisting of 80 Bali cattle farmers and 5 experts. The results of the IFE-EFE analysis show that the internal factor’s value is 3.09 and the external factor’s value is 2.85 which indicate the position of Bali cattle farm in Rendang District is in quadrant IV in the IE matrix, namely growth and development division. The result showed that ten strategies were found as the development strategy of Bali cattle business. The strategy of expanding the business development of Bali cattle as beef cattle was the first priority towards sustainable rural economy in Rendang District.
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