The eating behaviour, feed consumption, and nutrient digestibility of Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis)
consumption, feed nutrients, feeding behavior, nutrient digestion, Sumatran elephantAbstract
This study aims to determine the consumption, digestibility of feed nutrients that are given to support the activities of the Sumatran elephant at the Bali zoo, to determine the feeding duration and eating behavior of the Sumatran elephant at the Bali zoo. It has been carried out for 1 month at the Bali zoo, Singapadu Village, Sukawati, Gianyar. , Bali and at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Animal Feed, Udayana University. The method of collecting data on feeding time was carried out using the focal animal sampling method, namely the method of collecting behavioral observation data using four individual animals as objects of observation and using the technique of recording the behavior of these animals at certain time intervals. Consumption of feed nutrients can be determined by calculating the dry matter consumption per day times the nutrient content of the feed consumed. Nutrient digestibility can be determined by calculating the nutrients consumed minus the nutrients in the feces divided by the nutrients consumed. Nutrient content of feed can be known by proximate analysis. The observed variables were feeding behavior, duration of eating, nutrient consumption and nutrient digestibility.
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