Pollution with saprobic index and nutrition value coefficient of fish



  • Sang Ayu Made Putri Suryani Water Resource Management Department Warmadewa University Denpasar Bali, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Arya Water Resource Management Department Warmadewa University Denpasar Bali, Indonesia
  • I Made Suparta Water Resource Management Department Warmadewa University Denpasar Bali, Indonesia


Buyan Lake, Nutritional status, NVC, Saprobic index, Value coefficient


Buyan Lake located in the village of Pancasari, District Sukasada, Buleleng, Bali. Lake area of 301.84 hectares located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level is one of three twin lake that forms in a large caldera. Buyan Lake is flanked by two other lakes, namely Lake Tamblingan in the west and Lake Beratan in the east. Depth Buyan alone is estimated at around 80 meters, where the depth of the lake is never reached 140 meters before the bottom of the lake due to the silting of Buyan Lake erosion. Water resource who physically looks have undergone significant environmental stress due to things like the level of the lake by the plant closure especially Eichhornia crassipes plants and other aquatic plants, Chlorophyta class consisting of 4 species, Cyanophyta class consisting of six species, one species. Pyrrophyta class at Buyan Lake has included the category of lightly polluted with saprobic coefficient ranges from 0.594 to 0.777 which is well within the range of ?-mesosaprobic saprobic phase. The results of the analysis of nutritional status (NVC) fish that include tilapia, fish Zebra, and Fish Nilem are as follows: Tilapia value status is nutrient is an average of 1,944 which shows the waters of Buyan Lake is still classified as clean fish Zebra average of 1.828, which means the waters Buyan Lake is still in the net category. Fish Nilem to the average value of nutritional status (NVC) is 1.376 which shows the deep waters contaminated state. At each station showed a different saprobic coefficient, the difference is still in a phase of ?-mesosaprobic.


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How to Cite

Suryani, S. A. M. P., Arya, I. W., & Suparta, I. M. (2018). Pollution with saprobic index and nutrition value coefficient of fish. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(2), 30–41. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijls.v2n2.134



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