Bioactive substance use of leaf extract of piper caninum blume pressing for blas disease and increase production in rice



Bioactive substances, Blast disease, Leaf extract, Piper caninum, Rice


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of bioactive substances in the leaf extract of Piper caninum against rice blast disease caused by the fungus Pyricularia oryzae. This study was conducted in a greenhouse, using a completely randomized design. The results showed that the leaf extract of P. caninum formula can significantly suppress the intensity of blast disease in rice plants. The inhibition (90.51%) contained at a concentration of 2.5%. P. caninum leaf extract also significantly affect the growth and yield components. The concentration of 2.5% provides the highest grain yield (11.43 t/ha), while the extract 3.5% the intensity of the disease has increased and yield components decreased because the rice plants begin to experience toxic due to the concentration exceeding the limit too high extract optimal.


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How to Cite

Suriani, N. L. (2018). Bioactive substance use of leaf extract of piper caninum blume pressing for blas disease and increase production in rice. International Journal of Life Sciences, 2(2), 42–50.



Research Articles