Utilization of piper caninum blume leaf extract combined with compost to suppress blast disease and increase the growth of local rice Bali (Oryza sativa) in Vivo




blas disease, compost, piper caninum, plant, rice crop


Blast disease is a disease that attacks rice plants. The control of this disease is still using a synthetic fungicide that is very harmful to the environment. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the combination of Piper caninum leaf extract with compost to blast disease and rice plant growth. This research was conducted in vivo in the glasshouse of Senganan village, Penebel Tabanan. Bali. This study used a randomized block design. In this study, the extracts were combined with organic fertilizer which was made by biotechnology stater starmic ok. Fo = control (soil 100%). F1= (soil 90% + compost 10% + extract 0,5%) .F2 = (soil 80% + compost 20% + extract 1%) F3 = (soil 70% + 30% + extract 1.5%). F4 = (soil 60% + compost 40% + 2% extract), do repeat 4 times. The results show that the formulas F3 effectively reduce the intensity of blast disease by inhibition of 79.09%, significantly affect the number of rice leaves, and the number of rice tillers increases but in treatment, F4 decreased. The height of the rice plant from F1 to F4 decreases, it is great because it reduces the fall when the rice is fruitfull. This is due to the disruption of growth hormone by the extract.


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How to Cite

Suriani, N. L. (2019). Utilization of piper caninum blume leaf extract combined with compost to suppress blast disease and increase the growth of local rice Bali (Oryza sativa) in Vivo. International Journal of Life Sciences, 3(2), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.29332/ijls.v3n2.305



Research Articles