Relevance of human resource management on small business objective in digital era: A critical review of research evidence


  • Abdul Samad Arief Universitas Fajar, Indonesia
  • Petrus Jacob Pattiasina Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia
  • Sahat Parulian Remus Universitas Methodist Indonesia


HR governance, objectives and efforts relevance, objectives of SMEs, review studies


One of the essential elements in advancing small and medium enterprises is the availability of Human Resources management. So HR development must be relevant to the needs of small businesses, especially now that small businesses are present in the digital era. So to see the suitability of HR development with the needs of small businesses in achieving their core goals. So we have reviewed dozens of papers on our efforts to find this relevance through reviewing the papers we search electronically on Google scholar-based data. We specialize in papers published between 2010 and 2021, so we can get the latest data. To get answers to this research question, we analyzed the data using a phenomenological approach. We also involve the coding, interpretation, and evaluation system to find accurate, valid, and reliable data findings. So the results include that there is a close relationship between the SDm system and the central ideals of SMEs. Logically, if the human resources are good, the company and the smallest business will quickly improve and efficiently achieve the final goal.


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How to Cite

Arief, A. S., Pattiasina, P. J., & Remus, S. P. (2021). Relevance of human resource management on small business objective in digital era: A critical review of research evidence. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(2), 79–91.



Research Articles