The marketing mix affect on the consumer buying decision (case study of sausage products at PT. Aroma Denpasar)


  • I Made Jaminyasa Senior Lecturer at the Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar (
  • I Made Pulawan Senior Lecturer at the Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar (
  • A.A. Media Martadiani Senior Lecturer at the Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar (
  • I Made Suniastha Amerta Senior Lecturer at the Management Studies Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar (


Buying Decision, Consumer, Marketing mix affect, PT. Aroma Denpasar, Sausage products


The more intense competition within the similar business as well as happened in the business of making sausages, especially in Denpasar city. PT. Aroma was one of the companies in Denpasar that produces sausages, corned beef, and nuggets. In an effort to attract consumers to buy sausages, companies pay attention to product quality, price, and promotion. The attitude of each consumer varies before buying and in buying products. Consumer considerations in buying the products that need to be considered by marketers, so that products that are marketed can be accepted and would be bought by the consumers. The linear regression line equation: Y = 0.1920 + 0.2145 X1 + 0.2592 X2 + 0.3828 X3 explains that there was a simultaneous positive influence between product quality, price, and promotion on the buying decision of sausage. The result of t-test of regression coefficient obtained t1-count was 3,3628, t2-count was 3,9879 and t3-count was 6,2641 bigger than t-table equal to 1,980 was in rejection region Ho, hence Ho rejected or Hi accepted. It meant it was true, that there was a positive influence simultaneously between the marketing mix and the consumer buying decision.


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How to Cite

Jaminyasa, I. M., Pulawan, I. M., Martadiani, A. M., & Amerta, I. M. S. (2017). The marketing mix affect on the consumer buying decision (case study of sausage products at PT. Aroma Denpasar). International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(2), 65–74.



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