Psychological effects of COVID-19 on patients with cancer, their caregivers

A systematic review


  • P. Kishore Kumar Associate Professor, CMR college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad. Telangana. India-501401
  • J. Ashwini Assistant Professor, University college of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, Telangana. India -505001
  • Archana G. L. Assistant Professor, University college of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, Telangana. India -505001
  • K. Lakshmi Professor & Dean, Chettinad School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chettinad Health city, Kelambakkam, Chengalpattu (Dist.) Tamil Nādu, India -603103
  • R. Suthakaran Professor& Principal, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vijaya College of Pharmacy, Munganoor (v), Hayathnagar (M), Hyderabad, Telangana, India -501511
  • M. Akiful Haque Associate professor, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Telangana. India-500088
  • Teja Kumar Reddy Konatham Research Scholar, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Telangana India-500088
  • Gollapalli Rajeev Kumar Assistant professor, Anurag University, Venkatapur, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Telangana India-500088


stress, anxiety, depression, COVID-19, cancer caregivers, cancer patients, systematic review


There is limited study reporting the severity of anxiety and depression in cancer cohort and their caregivers. We aimed in this systematic review to determine the prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression among comprehensive cancer patient and their caregivers during COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review search was performed on PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Scopus till June 2021. PRISMA guidelines were used in this systematic review. Reviews were performed to collect all original research articles to describe prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression among the cancer patients and their caregivers. All analysis was done by using RStudio version 1.0.136. 4 studies from our search criteria were eligible for inclusion for anxiety symptoms. Meta-analyses revealed that no any significant difference in incidence of anxiety in cancer and their caregivers. The pooled odds ratio 1.00 [95% CI; 0.87- 1.15]. Pooled prevalence in patients and their caregivers 49% [25%; 74%] and 50% [26%; 73%] respectively.  Anxiety was relatively higher in cancer patients and their care givers. Isolation, married caregivers showed most significant factor to increase anxiety in cancer patients and their care givers. This metaanalyses suggest that prevalence of anxiety in cancer patients and their caregivers were significantly increasing during COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Kumar, P. K., Ashwini, J., Archana, G. L., Lakshmi, K., Suthakaran, R., Haque, M. A., Konatham, T. K. R., & Kumar, G. R. (2022). Psychological effects of COVID-19 on patients with cancer, their caregivers: A systematic review. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S6), 475–488.



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