Body image disorder and its relationship to health behavior among sample of overweight women


  • Malek Alkhutaba Department of Psychology, Isra University, Jordan
  • Nashwan Abdallah Nashwan Faculty of arts, Isra University, Jordan


body image, health behaviour, overweight women


With a group of overweight women, this study aims to increase our understanding of the relation between body image issue and health behaviour. The study also looks at how social status and academic achievement relate to body image disorders and health behaviour in overweight women. To engage in this study, 102 overweight women were chosen using a descriptive correlational study design. Utilizing five-point Likert style scales, their body image disorder and health-related behaviours were measured. Results of the study showed that the means scores of the body image disorders scale and its dimensions, and the health behaviour scale and its dimensions were statistically significant at (α≤0.05). A strong negative statistically significant correlation between body image disorders and health behaviour among sample of overweight women were found. Moreover, results presented no statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05) in participants' body image disorders and health behaviours based on social status variable. Furthermore no statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05) in participants' body image disorders according to academic qualification variable. Finally, the results revealed a statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05) in participants health behaviour regarding the academic qualification variable.


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How to Cite

Alkhutaba, M., & Nashwan, N. A. (2022). Body image disorder and its relationship to health behavior among sample of overweight women. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S8), 3034–3044.



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