Health poverty, educational capital and industrial integration of rural households

An empirical study based on micro-data


  • Yile Wang Nanyang Research Institute of Development Strategy, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang, China
  • Junmiao Deng Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China
  • Brian Sheng-Xian Teo Management and Science University, Sha Anan, Malaysia
  • Adam Amril Jaharadak Management and Science University, Sha Anan, Malaysia


education, eempirical study, health economy, human capital, industrial integration, ranking importance


Industrial integration provides an important tool to promote the revitalization of rural industries and is an effective way to promote sustainable income growth for farmers and to build a well-off society. The main implementer of rural industrial integration are individual farmers. The fundamental state of life of the farm households determines the implement ability of industrial farming cooperation. The development of rural industries has played an irreplaceable role in the process of poverty eradication in China. Promoting the integration of the three rural industries can play an important role in consolidating the fight against poverty and bridging the stage of rural revitalization to continuously play a role in the development of rural industries and lay the foundation for the smooth implementation of rural revitalization. Whereas human capital was one of the important perspectives in studying the integration of three rural industries, the relationship between human capital in education and the integration of three rural industries was empirically analyzed based on data from the China Household Tracking Survey (CFPS). With the help of a Random Forest model algorithm, the importance of key elements affecting the integration of rural industries was measured and ranked.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y., Deng, J., Teo, B. S.-X., & Jaharadak, A. A. (2022). Health poverty, educational capital and industrial integration of rural households: An empirical study based on micro-data. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1452–1467.



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