The analysis of workload on medical records assembling and quantitative analysis officers using the WISN method at RSAU dr. M. Salamun Bandung


  • Teguh Redy Senjaya Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Yulianti Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Yunita Ayu Nurkhotimah Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Sri Nuraeni Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Gina Amalia Rohmah Hasani Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Saepuloh Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia
  • Adlyn Firdaus Sopyan Politeknik Kesehatan YBA Bandung, Indonesia


analysis workload, health, medical record, assembling, quantitative analyze


The purpose of this study is to Quantitative analyze to get the main task, as the number of inpatient visits that must be compiled an average of 750 files per month. The number of patient visits resulted in medical records and delays in making reports, resulting in not achieving quality services. This research method uses descriptive quantitative through observation and interviews. Determination of the sample using a total sample where the number of samples is the same as the total population, namely as many as 2 assembly officers, and quantitative analysis. Based on the calculation of labor needs at Salamun Hospital, 267 working days/year, available working time is 112.140 minutes/year, the standard workload is 290,318 minutes/year, for standard allowance of 2 officers 0.0171 and calculation results of labor needs 4 people. The conclusion from the calculation using the WISN method is that the number of workers needed is 4 officers, but at this time there are two officers, so it is necessary to add 1 person in the assembly section and 1 person in the quantitative analysis section. So that the work becomes faster and more efficient.


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How to Cite

Senjaya, T. R., Yulianti, Y., Nurkhotimah, Y. A., Nuraeni, S., Hasani, G. A. R., Saepuloh, S., & Sopyan, A. F. (2022). The analysis of workload on medical records assembling and quantitative analysis officers using the WISN method at RSAU dr. M. Salamun Bandung. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(3), 1501–1510.



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