Impact of clowning with children and adolescents in confinement according to the KINDL-r questionnaire revised version


  • Victoria Valdebenito Sociologist, MeD y PhD. Assistant Professor, School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile.


Children and adolescent quality of life, clown, confinement


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic forced measurement such as confinement. This article presents results of online clown workshops developed during confinement between October 2020 and August 2021 with children and adolescents of low socioeconomic status in Chile, which main aim was to promote children and adolescents’ quality of life. Methods: Using a quantitative approach, a quasi-experimental design of a single group and a pre-posttest design, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the KINDL-r Questionnaire revised version were used. One hundred and twenty-three caregivers responded the pretest, and 73 the posttest. Results: Results revealed that 28% of participants improved their self-esteem, 26% significantly increased their physical and emotional well-being, 18% improved their family well-being, and 16% the well-being associated with friends. Conclusion: These positive findings are consistent with literature about effects of clowns working in healthcare settings. However, more research is needed in other contexts.


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How to Cite

Valdebenito, V. (2023). Impact of clowning with children and adolescents in confinement according to the KINDL-r questionnaire revised version. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S9), 4607–4615. Retrieved from



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