Community nursing strategies for tourism health families during COVID-19 pandemic


  • Aulia Asman Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
  • Auzia Asman Politeknik Pertanian Payakumbuh, Payakumbuh, Indonesia
  • Anita Kusuma Dewi Polteknik Negeri Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia


COVID-19, health protocol, pandemic, tourism health, community nursing


Traveling during the Covid-19 pandemic to reduce boredom or stress due to staying at home, must continue to apply health protocols. However, there are still many people who are indifferent to these rules, causing community nurses to have a role and have the right strategy so that there will no longer be an increase in the positive number of Covid-19. This study aims to find out the right strategy carried out by community nurses for families doing tourism in order to continue to apply health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of quantitative descriptive research is carried out through interviews and filling out questionnaires to expert respondents. The results of the questionnaire showing strategic priorities, paired comparisons were carried out which were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of the study, which was preceded by the determination of three indicators consisting of a health, family and tourism protocol, resulted in 7 alternative strategies. Of the seven alternatives, there are three strategic priorities in a row which consist of providing communication, information and education (KIE) media regarding the prevention and control of Covid-19 in strategic locations in every tourist spot.


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How to Cite

Asman, A., Asman, A., & Dewi, A. K. (2021). Community nursing strategies for tourism health families during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3), 224–231.



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