Clinical application of transarterial chemoembolization combined with terminal branches portal vein embolization in planned hepatectomy


  • Guoqing Zhu Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China
  • Wenhao Hu Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China
  • Wei Xiang Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China
  • Junwei Ni Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China
  • Liyang Dong Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China


hepatocellular carcinoma, transarterial chemoembolization, terminal branches portal vein embolization, hepatectomy


This study aimed to investigate the clinical efficacy of transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in conjunction with terminal branches portal vein embolization (TBPVE) in the context of planned hepatectomy. A cohort of five patients afflicted by primary hepatocellular carcinoma who were deemed unsuitable candidates for primary surgical resection was gathered from August 2019 to December 2021. Following the application of TACE in combination with TBPVE as a therapeutic intervention, we observed postoperative general reactions, alterations in tumor biomarkers, hyperplasia of future liver remnant (FLR), and subsequent surgical resection. All patients successfully underwent the combined TACE and TBPVE procedure, achieving a technical success rate of 100%. One week after TACE, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels decreased from 38.52±49.21 to 25.27±37.94 μg/L, and Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence or Antagonist (PIVKA) levels decreased from 1689.30±1663.83 to 219.03±228.10 μg/L. Two weeks post-TBPVE, FLR exhibited an increment from 350.80±41.17 to 476.00±57.91 mL. The ratio of FLR to standard liver volume (SLV) increased from 30.94%±3.63% to 42.03%±5.62%. The combined application of TACE and TBPVE not only effectively manages tumor progression but also augments the FLR, thereby affording patients with a limited future liver remnant an opportunity for surgical resection of hepatocellular carcinoma.


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How to Cite

Zhu, G., Hu, W., Xiang, W., Ni, J., & Dong, L. (2023). Clinical application of transarterial chemoembolization combined with terminal branches portal vein embolization in planned hepatectomy. International Journal of Health Sciences, 7(3), 76–85.



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