E-Health implementation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Current position



  • Kalema Josue Djamba Ph. D student at Doctoral school, University of Burundi, Bujumbura, Burundi
  • Vincent Havyarimana Full Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Ecole Normale Superieur, Bujumbura, Burundi
  • Businge Phelix Mbambazi Professor, Department of Information System, University of Kabale, Kabale, Uganda
  • Julius Niyongabo Ph. D Holder, Department of Information System, University of Burundi, Bujumbura, Burundi


digital health, E-health, electronic medical records, health information system, implementation


E-health holds significant potential to address healthcare challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a nation grappling with limited resources, vast geographical distances, and a fragile health system. This paper examines the current state of e-health implementation in the DRC, exploring existing initiatives, key achievements, and persistent obstacles. While nascent, e-health adoption is gaining momentum, driven by factors like increasing mobile phone penetration and government recognition of its potential. Successful projects include mHealth programs for disease surveillance, maternal health, and HIV/AIDS management, demonstrating positive impacts on data collection, patient follow-up, and health outcomes. However, significant challenges remain. These include inadequate infrastructure, particularly reliable internet access and electricity, limited funding, a shortage of skilled human resources in ICT and health informatics, and issues of interoperability between different systems. Furthermore, regulatory frameworks and national e-health strategies are still under development, hindering coordinated and sustainable implementation. This paper concludes by highlighting the need for strategic investments in infrastructure, capacity building, and policy development to unlock the full potential of e-health and improve healthcare delivery in the DRC.


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How to Cite

Djamba, K. J., Havyarimana, V., Mbambazi, B. P., & Niyongabo, J. (2025). E-Health implementation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Current position. International Journal of Health Sciences, 9(1), 210–222. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v9n1.15543



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