Giving COVID-19 vaccines to citizens

Understanding legal basis



COVID vaccine, health law, health protection, health service, healthy living, social health facility


This paper aims to understand the legal basis for administering the COVID vaccine to Indonesian citizens. In order to complete this understanding, we have collected data on the evidence of the study of publications from several journals that have a high level of investment in the discussion on the legal point of giving vaccines to the public and many journals that raise the issues of this COVID outbreak. So, after we collect the data, we continue with a study involving the coding system, evaluate the data carefully, and then try to interpret it as much as possible to get answers that we consider validity and reliability in answering this legal study issue. After we reviewed our data and continued our discussion, we finally found that the state has a legal umbrella in implementing the COVID-19 vaccination program for all Indonesian citizens with so many legal foundations, so at this moment, the results of our study will be helpful in the development of legal studies discussions and problems with the rising COVID vaccination program in Indonesia future.


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How to Cite

Manullang, S. O. (2021). Giving COVID-19 vaccines to citizens: Understanding legal basis. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3), 364–372.



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