The influence of supportive psychotherapy toward patient anxiety to pre-hyperbaric therapy


  • - Rusmini Poltekkes Kemenkes, Mataram, Indonesia
  • Awan Dramawan Poltekkes Kemenkes, Mataram, Indonesia
  • - Cembun Poltekkes Kemenkes, Mataram, Indonesia


Patient anxiety, Port health center, Pre-hyperbaric therapy, Supportive psychotherapy, West nusa tenggara


The used of Hyperbaric therapy at Port Health Center of West Nusa Tenggara keeps increasing.There were fifteen patients with thirty-six times of visit during 2011. Meanwhile, there were twelve type of cases in which forty-two pateints came eighty-one times in 2012. However, this therapy also meets an annulment due to psychological condition such patients’ anxiety. There were three cases found in 2011 whereas five patients could not perform this therapy in 2012. The annulment of therapy caused by a fear and anxiety factors. This information was obtained from patients. Moreover, according to Port Health Center of West Nusa Tenggara in 2012 reported “physical assessment that is conducted indicated the incresing of blood pressure, pulse rate frequency, and excessive of sweat. The objective was to find out the influence of supportive psychotherapy toward patients’ anxiety against pre-hyperbaric therapy at Port Health Center. The research was done at Hyperbaric therapy chamber in July to November 2012. The research design employed pre and post test.


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How to Cite

Rusmini, .-., Dramawan, A., & Cembun, .-. (2018). The influence of supportive psychotherapy toward patient anxiety to pre-hyperbaric therapy. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(3), 55–64.



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