Considerations for implementing criminal law for defendants exposed to COVID-19

Legal and health literacy



COVID-19, health administration, health agency, health complications, health literacy, health management, health protection, health rights, health services, healthy environment


This study discussed the scope of criminal law considerations for defendants exposed to the Coronavirus through legal studies and health literacy in Indonesia. This article also tries to understand the criminal sanctions carried out by defendants exposed to COVID-19 by examining the potential for criminal justice with considerations and consequences for the rights of citizens to obtain health protection. This study concludes that punishment for criminal acts related to criminal cases must be limited considering that prosecution and criminal sanctions can only be given as light as possible where the condition of the community does need help because of their right to obtain health insurance for the population as regulated in the Law on Health and Human Rights. With a set of rights inherent in the nature and existence of humans as creatures of God Almighty are His gifts that must be respected, upheld, and protected by the state. After reviewing several international and national publications active discussing criminal law and the control of COVID-19, we got all this data. We hope that all this qualitative data can be used for future studies related to health rights and criminal law.


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How to Cite

Wijaya, F. (2021). Considerations for implementing criminal law for defendants exposed to COVID-19: Legal and health literacy. International Journal of Health Sciences, 5(3), 565–572.



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